California Tourism launches ‘Come to Kill Your Baby, Stay For The Weather’ campaign

California Tourism launches ‘Come to Kill Your Baby, Stay For The Weather’ campaign
By: Genesius Times Posted On: April 24, 2024 View: 21

SACRAMENTO—California Tourism officials have unveiled a bold and controversial new marketing campaign aimed at attracting visitors to the Golden State. Titled “Come to Kill Your Baby, Stay For The Weather,” the campaign has sparked both outrage and applause across the nation.

Governor Gavin Newsom, the mastermind behind the campaign, couldn’t contain his enthusiasm during the unveiling. “This is a game-changer for California,” he declared with a wide grin. “We’re talking about tapping into a whole new revenue stream here. And let’s face it, our weather alone is worth the trip!”

The campaign’s slogan, while undeniably provocative, highlights California’s progressive stance on reproductive rights while also emphasizing its renowned climate and scenic beauty. Newsom sees it as a win-win situation, leveraging the contentious issue of abortion to boost tourism and stimulate the state’s economy.

“We’re not just capitalizing on abortion access,” Newsom explained. “We’re offering a comprehensive experience. You can exercise your reproductive rights in the morning and hit the beach in the afternoon. It’s the California lifestyle at its finest!”

While some critics have condemned the campaign as tasteless and exploitative, others see it as a savvy marketing move that plays to California’s strengths. “It’s edgy, it’s bold, and it’s quintessentially Californian,” remarked one tourism industry insider. “Love it or hate it, you can’t deny that it’s got people talking.”

As the controversial campaign rolls out, California Tourism officials are optimistic about its potential to draw visitors from far and wide. Whether it will succeed in reshaping the state’s image or simply stir up more controversy remains to be seen. But one thing’s for sure: California isn’t afraid to push the boundaries when it comes to promoting itself as a destination.


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