Bare Naked Islam  

MY FAVORITE LIBERAL, Bill Maher, has advice for the pro-Hamas terrorist supporters

[unable to retrieve full-text content]During his closing monologue on Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “R ...View More

Unlike the rest of the non-Muslim world, China has always known exactly how to deal with its large Muslim population

[unable to retrieve full-text content]Which is why China has no fear of the growing threat of radica ...View More

UK: Muslim migrants give new meaning to the term “public restroom”

[unable to retrieve full-text content]You reap what you sow.


Or so says far-left Labour MP Rachael Markell about the rampant crime, rape, welfare abuse, overcrow ...View More

DISGUSTING! Pro-Hamas terrorist supporters disrupt Remembrance March at the Auschwitz Nazi Death Camp in Poland

that such a demonstration can take place is a disgrace. it shows the ferocity of the hatred, not jus ...View More

MEXICO CITY: Pro-Hamas rioters clash with police, injuring 6, while setting fire to the Israeli Embassy

[unable to retrieve full-text content]Dozens of Hamas supporters gathered outside the Israeli embass ...View More

ICC (International Criminal Court) ideologues promote preposterous political propaganda

[unable to retrieve full-text content]Especially the Muslim judges sitting on this kangaroo court. & ...View More

Courageous Muslim women in Britain reveal horrific abuses they are subjected to in their own families

We’ve had discussions on here before, on the FACT , the real Brits, have abandoned Britian.So I’m no ...View More

UK: The Islamic city of Bradford, where campaign messages are sent out in Urdu

[unable to retrieve full-text content]Urdu is the main language of Pakistan. Shouldn’t this sa ...View More

FRANCE: Illegal alien Muslim invader stabs 4 people in knife jihad attack on London Metro

Mustapha El Jemli, an illegal invader from Morocco, was supposed to have been deported in 2022, but  ...View More

OUTSTANDING! New York Trump supporters chase down and verbally harass Robert DeNiro who came to NYC just to trash Trump

Robert deNiro’s Taxi Driver is an all-time classic. It captures the anguish of working class people. ...View More

MUSLIM speakers at Washington DC “Nakba” (“Catastrophe” that is Israel) event say they “don’t want a two-state solution”

What they want is a one-state solution called Palestine that is totally Jew-free. In other words, ‘J ...View More

HAMAS front group in America, CAIR spokesjihadi Zahra Billoo, declares war on Jews around the world

That bitch who hates America & Jews lives an affluent American life, been married twice (at leas ...View More

CODE PINKO useful idiot for Islam is no match for Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX)

Proclaiming that “Israel and the United States are Nazis,” Code Pinko (founded by self-hating Jewish ...View More

GERMAN POLICE avert attack on synagogue by two Muslims

How dare you to make another Islamophobic post! Don’t you know it is a foundational tenet of Islam,  ...View More

Did you know the pro-Hamas college protests are a “rich kid” movement?

[unable to retrieve full-text content]College campuses that educate students mostly from working-cla ...View More

BRILLIANT! “There is no moral equivalency to any of this”

[unable to retrieve full-text content]The House Judiciary Committee made mincemeat out of the colleg ...View More

At least the Nazis didn’t keep trying to claim that THEY were the victims

[unable to retrieve full-text content]Not so the IslamoNazis. The answer to this Hamas-supporterR ...View More

Apartheid. Genocide. Colonization. Falafel.

[unable to retrieve full-text content]What we love best about Israel. Yechiel Jacobs

There are times when an Islamic terrorist attack could be a good thing

[unable to retrieve full-text content]For example. The eventual civil war between the LBGTQ warriors ...View More

Now, THIS is the way to deal with pro-Hamas protesters who block traffic

[unable to retrieve full-text content]If drivers don’t have the guts to run them down, I guess ...View More

When you elect a Muslim as mayor of your largest city 3 times, can the fall of your country be far behind?

Way before 2050 C.E., the entirety of the West and Eastern Europe (including the Balkans and Russia) ...View More

DUTCH Leader Geert Wilders…speaks to Parliament about Israel

Just as with Donald Trump, Israel couldn’t ask for a better friend. This is what I said in the Dutch ...View More

BIDEN’S National Security Advisor says “we have to wait until after his re-election before we really go against Israel”

🚨 BREAKING: Biden National Security Council Advisor: We Can’t Go Against Israel until Reelection; I ...View More

KRISTALLNACHT 2.0: Toronto synagogue has windows smashed for second time in less than a month

This was a sad incident where peaceful citizens’ house of worship is attacked. Excellent interview b ...View More

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